Call Your Elected Officials
As we continue to organize and fight for Palestinian safety, security, and liberation, let us also take the time to acknowledge those of our elected officials who have called for a ceasefire. Tell our elected representatives that by signing their names, using their platforms, and leveraging their office to call for peace that they are on the right side of history.
Send a message of support for our electeds who have called for a ceasefire.
And send a message of urgent action to those who have not called for a ceasefire.
Congressman Blumenauer
(503) 231-2300
Email Rep. Blumenauer
Congresswoman Bonamici
(503) 469-6010
Email Rep. Bonamici
Congresswoman Salinas
(503) 385-0906
Email Rep. Salinas
Senator Wyden
(503) 326-7525
Email Sen. Wyden
Congresswoman Hoyle
(202) 225-6416
Email Rep. Hoyle
Example Call Script
My name is [your name here], and I am a constituent. I am [calling, emailing] to ask that you call for a Ceasefire in Gaza. In the last 13 months there have been more than 1,139 Israelis, and over 45,000 Palestinians killed, more than 50% of whom are children. Over 87% of Gaza’s residences have been destroyed or damaged by bombings. It is extremely disheartening that standing for equality, human rights, and respect for the dignity of all human life has become contentious. Please fight for what's right. A permanent ceasefire in Gaza is the bare minimum to begin the long road towards restoration and peace.
With gratitude,
[your name here]
Source: Israel-Gaza War in Maps and Charts: Live Tracker, Al Jazeera